Privacy PolicyPersonal Information Protection Policy

Established: November 1, 2017
Last Revised: April 1, 2021

Our company is committed to contributing to society by supporting our clients in optimizing management and IT from a global perspective in line with the progress of digital transformation. We fully recognize our social responsibility in protecting all personal information we handle, ensuring the protection of individuals' rights, and complying with relevant laws and regulations concerning personal information.

Furthermore, to implement the policies outlined below, we have established a Personal Information Protection Management System. We continuously improve this system by staying informed about the latest IT trends, changes in social demands, and shifts in the business environment, with the full commitment of our entire organization.

Consultation on management and information processing.

  1. Our company engages in the following business activities:
    (i) Consultation services related to management and information processing.
    (ii) Consultation services concerning corporate revitalization, management streamlining scheme development, and globalization strategies.
    (iii) Sales of computer systems and software, as well as planning, development, and maintenance related to these systems.

    In handling personal information obtained through these business activities, as well as in matters concerning employee employment and human resource management, we ensure the appropriate acquisition, use, and provision of personal information. We do not handle personal information beyond the necessary scope for achieving the specified purposes. Additionally, we take necessary measures to uphold this policy.
  2. Our company complies with laws, national guidelines, and other regulations concerning the handling of personal information.
  3. To prevent risks such as personal information leakage, loss, or damage, we implement reasonable security measures, allocate appropriate management resources in accordance with our business operations, and continuously enhance our security framework. In the event of an incident, we promptly take corrective measures.
  4. We respond swiftly and sincerely to complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information.
  5. Our Personal Information Protection Management System is reviewed regularly and continuously improved in response to changes in our business environment and circumstances.

This policy shall be distributed to all employees to ensure awareness and shall be made available to the public at any time by publishing it on our company’s website, brochures, and other relevant materials.

AMBC Corporation
President & CEO: Toshiaki Sega

Inquiries regarding the Personal Information Protection Policy:
AMBC Corporation, Complaints and Consultation Desk for Personal Information
Address: 1-18-6, Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003
TEL: 03-6206-1480 (Business hours: 9:00–18:00)
FAX: 03-6206-1481

Handling of Personal Information

1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
Our company acquires and uses personal information within the scope of the following purposes:
  • (1) Purpose of Use When Acquiring Personal Information Directly from the Individual via Written Documents (Including Websites, Emails, etc., Hereinafter Referred to as “Documents”)
    Category Purpose of Use
    Customer Information To provide information on new products and services
    Shareholder Information For information disclosure, sending materials, and communication
    Business Partner Information For business negotiations, communications, order and delivery processing, and payment transactions
    Employee Information For personnel and labor management, business management, health management, and security management
    Recruitment Applicant Information For recruitment activities
    Inquiry Information To respond to inquiries
  • (2) Purpose of Use When Acquiring Personal Information by Methods Other Than Directly from the Individual via Written Documents
    Category Purpose of Use
    Customer Information For the execution of contracted information processing services
    Partner Company Personnel Information For management of outsourced tasks assigned to partner companies
    Recruitment Applicant Information For recruitment activities when received from job placement websites such as Hello Work, Rikunabi, Mynavi, or recruitment agencies
2. Public Disclosure Regarding Retained Personal Data
Requests from individuals or their representatives for notification of purpose of use, disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, suspension of use, erasure, suspension of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of third-party provision (hereinafter referred to as "Requests for Disclosure, etc.") regarding retained personal data will be handled as follows:
  • (1) Business Name

    AMBC Co., Ltd.
    1-18-6, Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003
    Representative Director: Toshiaki Sega

  • (2) Personal Information Protection Manager

    Division / Chief Operating Officer (COO)
    Masayuki Nabeta

  • (3) Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data
    Category Purpose of Use
    Customer Information For customer support, usage history management, service guidance, and responding to inquiries
    Customer Information (Business Partners, etc.) For order confirmation (e.g., communication records)
    Employee Information For personnel and labor management, business management, health management, and security management
    Recruitment Applicant Information For contacting applicants and managing recruitment operations
    Specific Personal Information For purposes stipulated by the Number Act (My Number Act)
  • (4) Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
    1. 1) Contact for Requests for Disclosure, etc.

      Requests for Disclosure, etc. should be submitted to the following contact for inquiries regarding personal information.

    2. 2) Procedures for Requests for Disclosure, etc.

      ① After receiving your request, we will send you the designated application form by postal mail.

      ② Please complete the application form and send it back along with proof of identity (if a representative is making the request, documents verifying their authority) and a postal money order for the handling fee (for requests regarding notification of purpose of use or disclosure) to the designated contact.

      ③ Upon receiving the request form, we will verify the requester’s identity by asking for two pieces of personally identifiable information already registered with us (e.g., telephone number and date of birth).

      ④ Responses will, in principle, be sent in written form (sealed letter) to the requester.

    3. 3) Documents Required for Requests Made by a Representative

      If the request is made by a representative, the following documents must be submitted:

      ① For a representative authorized by the individual:

      An original power of attorney signed by the individual

      ② For identification of the representative:

      ・ Driver’s license
      ・ Passport
      ・ Health insurance card
      ・ Resident certificate
      ・ Basic resident registration card

      (Note: Information beyond the prefecture on residence certificates should be redacted, and documents should not include personal identification numbers or should have them fully redacted.)

    4. 4) Handling Fee for Notification of Purpose of Use or Disclosure Requests

      A fee of 1,000 yen per request is required. (Please enclose a postal money order with your application form.)

  • (5) Contact for Personal Information Inquiries

    AMBC Co., Ltd. – Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk
    Address: 3rd Floor, Cross Office, 1-18-6 Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003

    Phone: 03-6206-1480
    Business Hours: 10:00–18:00 (Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays)

  • (6) Name of Certified Personal Information Protection Organization and Complaint

    Resolution Office
    Certified Personal Information Protection Organization:
    Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)
    Complaint Resolution Office:
    Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Office
    Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
    Phone: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

  • (7) Measures Taken for the Security Management of Retained Personal Data

    Formulation of Basic Policy
    To ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have formulated a basic policy regarding compliance with related laws and guidelines, as well as establishing an inquiry and complaint processing office.

    Establishment of Rules for Handling Personal Data
    We have established fundamental procedures for the acquisition, use, and storage of personal data.

    Organizational Security Measures
    A designated officer ensures that personal data is handled in accordance with established procedures.

    Human Security Measures
    Regular training is conducted for employees regarding the proper handling of personal data.

    Physical Security Measures
    Access restrictions are in place to prevent unauthorized viewing of personal data by individuals other than authorized personnel.

    Technical Security Measures
    Personnel handling personal data and the devices used for processing are clearly designated to prevent unnecessary access.

    Understanding External Environments
    If personal data is handled in foreign countries in the future, we will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure security management based on the relevant data protection regulations of the respective country.