Companies must adapt to constant and rapid changes in their operating environments. The advance of the digital transformation, fierce competition worldwide, and M&A and alliances among companies are three major sources of these changes. Success in this environment requires balanced management. Companies must earn the support of shareholders, customers, employees and all other stakeholders while maximizing corporate value through the growth of business operations. Clearly defining core businesses is essential. Companies must also establish strategies and have the power to implement those strategies. The aim is to evolve constantly in order to propel performance in those core domains to an even higher level.
AMBC offers two forms of assistance. One involves the formulation of management and business strategies for being among the first to benefit from the digital transformation. These benefits maximize corporate value and enable companies to compete and win. The other is help with determining specific steps to achieve strategic objectives and preparing action plans. Offering this assistance allows us to evolve along with client companies.
Sample themes Corporate Vision, Management Strategies Business Portfolios M&A Strategies Entering New Markets and Building Business Models Risk Management Business Revitalization Strategy
A digital transformation based on management and business strategies requires designing accurate solutions for resolving problems along with the timely execution of those solutions. AMBC properly understands the fusion of business and technology. We also manage risks associated with this change. With this knowledge, we can create solutions that can deliver business results quickly and reliably.
Sample themes Procurement and Supply Strategies Supply Chain Management Customer Relationship Management Marketing Big data, Business Intelligence
Speedy management is essential to accomplish a digital transformation. M&A is an effective way to increase corporate value and achieve strategic objectives through the process of focusing resources on targeted activities. M&A decisions must be reached in a manner that is proper and can be understood and accepted by all stakeholders. AMBC accurately understands the purpose of M&A corporate value assessments. We perform assessments by using an approach that matches the goal of a proposed transaction, such as DCF, net asset value, peer company comparisons and other methodologies. The result is a reduction in risk associated with the M&A transaction by avoiding imbalances in information available to the buyer and seller. ?
Business process innovation in tandem with carefully targeted IT solutions is required in order to accomplish a digital transformation. This innovation requires breaking down business activities into individual processes, reexamining processes with respect to goals, and reconstructing processes to achieve the best possible configuration. A company’s organizational structure must be revised, too. As these revisions take place, companies must think about what will happen, why these events will happen, and how to control and constructively use the associated energy. Companies need the power to utilize change as a force that can be reproduced and controlled. AMBC can combine leadership, communication and other strategic theories for the purpose of using business process reengineering and change management for a digital transformation.
Large system development projects are usually extremely complex. Managing these projects requires using key indicators for deliveries, quality and cost and maintaining the right balance among all three. Many companies that conduct these projects do not have adequate project management skills, experience and personnel for establishing a PMO.
Furthermore, the teams of development project vendors are based on the standpoint of each vendor. As a result, companies are frequently unable to receive the solutions they require for a system development project. AMBC’s PMO service incorporates expertise gained from a large number of IT projects along with PMBOK and other standardized methods.
Consultants with specialized skills obtain an accurate overall picture of each client company. The result is the successful completion of a project by using the perspective of the client company from start to finish.
Companies rely on IT systems for almost all of their operations because of the complexity of the today’s business environment. These systems must have the necessary functions and quality and be constructed with the right timing and cost. Accomplishing these goals is one of the highest priorities of every company. AMBC ranks among the leaders in technological expertise involving object-oriented software development.
We also have much knowledge of a large number of industries. With these strengths, we can help companies develop revolutionary IT systems that achieve all their goals regarding a digital transformation.